Launching lifelong learners

At this stage, our program focuses on further enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Holistic Learning: Our curriculum balances structured activities and play-based learning to engage your child’s mind and encourage a love for discovery.
  • Literacy and Numeracy: We introduce your child to the fundamentals of reading, writing, and basic math concepts.
  • Social Skills: We promote cooperation, sharing, and effective communication to ensure your child thrives in a social setting. Through group activities and collaborative projects, they’ll learn to interact with peers respectfully and empathetically.
  • Creativity: We value the creative spirit in each child. We encourage artistic expression through various art and music activities, allowing your child to explore their imagination and creativity.
  • Independence: We empower your child to develop essential life skills like problem-solving, decision-making, and self-help tasks, building their confidence and independence.

Our Kindergarten program aims to prepare your child for the exciting transition to elementary school. With a well-rounded education and the necessary skills, they’ll be well-equipped to take on future challenges with confidence and enthusiasm.

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